《刑事判决书里的中国》之环境污染篇 English Part I

感謝原著@磨刀石说 對好材料的詳細整理




Shadow Society in China: A Glimpse Through Criminal Judgments

Episode 1------ Environmental hazard from illegal waste disposal

I have conducted research on more than a hundred court verdicts on cases of illegal waste disposal in China, so in this episode, I will first present the readers with some noteworthy cases in the form of paraphrasing before delving into more in-depth analysis of which thereafter.

I will not be mentioning the common occurrences of environmental pollution and its hazardous consequences as everyone aware of them already, but via court verdicts that pinpointed the specific “who” and “how” ----who polluted the environment, and how did they do it.

First, let me define that in this episode, garbage, pollutants, waste, etc., are all synonymous and interchangeable; they all refer to the things that can pollute the environment.

People may have different definitions of what constitutes garbage. Those who haven't had the opportunity to witness factory waste first hand may assume that the "garbage "is just, common household waste, and the worst-case scenarios would be nothing more than dry batteries and plastic sacks, etc. Well, most of the legal convictions I have studied were due to improper handling of heavy-duty industrial waste.

In 2017, an unidentified male from Hebei province phoned "Yi-kai" farm and asked if he could find a place to dump some garbage. The owner agreed, unsuspectingly, and said "Of course I need more garbage". Later, someone loaded a tank full of "waste acid”, and dumped it right into the ditch of the farm. This so-called "waste acid", was industrial water with sulfuric acid in it!

Those drivers were transporting the "goods"; most of them operated in secrecy of the night, or on weekends. That was when the road transport administrative bureau and the environmental protection agency enjoy their, “non-business hours”.

In 2018, Hebei province again. A ceramic tile maker received a call from a stranger saying that there was a bit of waste material needed to be disposed of, and he could give the material to him for ceramic tiles. When the truck was arrived, the ceramic tile maker saw that the materials were all yellowish with pungent smell, so he refused to accept them and asked the driver to take them away. The driver had no choice but to took the waste home, and dumped them in a nearby ditch. After being investigated by the environmental protection agency, it was discovered that, the yellowish waste, was Sulfur Cement?

2018, Hebei. Some guys put their heads together and tried to produce some Freon F11 for sale. Freon F11 was used for refrigeration, and the country had banned its production. It was because of this prohibition, there were fewer manufacturers, less competition, lower cost to manufacture them, and cheaper prices, "it will definitely sell well", so they thought. To dispose of the hazardous by-product, a pit was dug on the ground, and the waste water from the Freon production was directly dispensed into the pit so that the waste water would sink into the ground where no one can see. They planned to just covered it up with mud after they finished. As delirious as they were, they believed that even if they were caught by the environmental protection agency, only administrative punishments would be dealt upon them instead of facing criminal charges. Oh how they were miscalculated. My show won't spend much time on how many years of sentencing they received and how they were sentenced, but sure do look it up on your own volition if interested.

In 2020, the court of Liaoning province issued judgment on a criminal case, against a printing factory that discharged waste water with ink mixture directly into the sewer system without properly processing it first.

The criminal intent behind so many cases of Illegal waste disposal were, after all, money, money, money; and gold is inherently money. In 2019, some people in Hebei found a gold mine, possibly abandoned, so they hopped on the opportunity and tried extracting gold from the mine. How they did it was to flush the mine with water mixed with caustic soda and gold extracting agent, and then the water would be recovered and absorbed by gold charcoal. Repeat this process, they extracted 200 grams of refined gold in matter of two days. (With gold price approx. $1700 per troy ounce in 2019, 200 grams of gold converting to 6.43 troy oz was the equivalent of $10,931 dollars, not bad for two-days’ work)

To be continued...
分享 2021-04-10

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