何以 這土地 淚再流
何以 令眾人 亦憤恨
昂首 拒默沉 吶喊聲 響透
盼自由 歸於 這裡
For all of our tears on our land
Do you feel the rage in our cries?
Rise up and speak up! Our voice echoes.
Freedom shall shine upon us
何以 這恐懼 抹不走
何以 為信念 從沒退後
何解 血在流 但邁進聲 響透
建自由 光輝 香港
For all of our fear that lingers
With faith, we shall never surrender.
With blood, tears and sweat ,we shall stride ahead
For this glory, lib-eral land
在 晚星 墜落 徬徨 午夜
迷霧裡 最遠處 吹來號角聲
“捍自由 來齊集這裡 來全力抗對
勇氣 智慧 也永不滅”
When the stars no longer guide our path
In the fog, the horn of conscience summon us.
“Persevere! For we are as one, with poise and be brave
Courage, wisdom, are long with us.”
黎明來到 要光復 這香港
同行兒女 為正義 時代革命
祈求 民主 與自由 萬世都不朽
The dawn has come. Let’s revive our Hong Kong!
Revolution of our time! For righteousness!
Democracy, n’liberty, wish them long last here
For the glory of Hong Kong.
何以 這土地 淚再流
何以 令眾人 亦憤恨
昂首 拒默沉 吶喊聲 響透
盼自由 歸於 這裡
For all of our tears on our land
Do you feel the rage in our cries?
Rise up and speak up! Our voice echoes.
Freedom shall shine upon us
何以 這恐懼 抹不走
何以 為信念 從沒退後
何解 血在流 但邁進聲 響透
建自由 光輝 香港
For all of our fear that lingers
With faith, we shall never surrender.
With blood, tears and sweat ,we shall stride ahead
For this glory, lib-eral land
在 晚星 墜落 徬徨 午夜
迷霧裡 最遠處 吹來號角聲
“捍自由 來齊集這裡 來全力抗對
勇氣 智慧 也永不滅”
When the stars no longer guide our path
In the fog, the horn of conscience summon us.
“Persevere! For we are as one, with poise and be brave
Courage, wisdom, are long with us.”
黎明來到 要光復 這香港
同行兒女 為正義 時代革命
祈求 民主 與自由 萬世都不朽
The dawn has come. Let’s revive our Hong Kong!
Revolution of our time! For righteousness!
Democracy, n’liberty, wish them long last here
For the glory of Hong Kong.
3 个评论
今天又有一個管弦樂和合唱版本發佈,一班full gear的藝術家在舞臺上演奏、演唱,非常震撼:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUIDL4SB60g&feature=youtu.be