A Russian conscript has been sentenced to five and a half years in prison after getting into an altercation with his superiors over poor training conditions, in the first known ruling against a soldier who criticised the Kremlin’s unpopular mobilisation.
In a widely shared video filmed on 13 November, draftee Alexander Leshkov is seen shouting profanities and shoving Lt Col Denis Mazanov at a training ground outside Moscow.
In the footage, Leshkov is heard telling his commander: “You are sabotaging the commander-in-chief’s direct orders [to supply and train mobilised soldiers],” adding: “You should be arrested.”
Leshkov then blows smoke from his e-cigarette in the face of the officer, who is pushed back by Leshkov after he approaches him.
“You are not the one who has to sit in the trenches with us,” Leshkov said.
In an interview with the Moskovskij Komsomolets newspaper shortly after the incident, Leshkov said that his earlier complaints were repeatedly ignored by his superiors.
“It’s a pity that you have to suffer for the truth,” he said.
The military court outside Moscow ruled that Leshkov was guilty of “inflicting physical harm” on his commander during the performance of his military service.
11月13日流传了一段动员兵Alexander Leshkov在莫斯科爱国者公园向长官抱怨劣质军备的视频,喜闻乐见的是视频中该士兵还辣评了来自无上限友好国家的全面策应,「Почему нам дается не армейский бронежилет, а вот эта дрочь китайская.(机翻:为什么给我们的不是军用防弹衣,而是中国的垃圾)」。
A Russian conscript has been sentenced to five and a half years in prison after getting into an altercation with his superiors over poor training conditions, in the first known ruling against a soldier who criticised the Kremlin’s unpopular mobilisation.
In a widely shared video filmed on 13 November, draftee Alexander Leshkov is seen shouting profanities and shoving Lt Col Denis Mazanov at a training ground outside Moscow.
In the footage, Leshkov is heard telling his commander: “You are sabotaging the commander-in-chief’s direct orders [to supply and train mobilised soldiers],” adding: “You should be arrested.”
Leshkov then blows smoke from his e-cigarette in the face of the officer, who is pushed back by Leshkov after he approaches him.
“You are not the one who has to sit in the trenches with us,” Leshkov said.
In an interview with the Moskovskij Komsomolets newspaper shortly after the incident, Leshkov said that his earlier complaints were repeatedly ignored by his superiors.
“It’s a pity that you have to suffer for the truth,” he said.
The military court outside Moscow ruled that Leshkov was guilty of “inflicting physical harm” on his commander during the performance of his military service.
11月13日流传了一段动员兵Alexander Leshkov在莫斯科爱国者公园向长官抱怨劣质军备的视频,喜闻乐见的是视频中该士兵还辣评了来自无上限友好国家的全面策应,「Почему нам дается не армейский бронежилет, а вот эта дрочь китайская.(机翻:为什么给我们的不是军用防弹衣,而是中国的垃圾)」。
24 个评论
i got 油 我想抽,i got 油 all my mind ,抽不了兜着走,走走走走走走走
_ _ 我只能說黃俄孝女孝子實力坑爹~瘋王習近平只給他那畜生普婷(京)野外爹地, 孝敬淘寶與並夕夕的貨~連件亞馬遜的 Basics 系列都沒錢買呢~
_ _ 一對獨裁下賤坯子舉世羅圈顯眼, 普俄和共匪趕緊散攤子吧, 滿世界無自覺裸奔我都替他倆害臊.
_ _ 一對獨裁下賤坯子舉世羅圈顯眼, 普俄和共匪趕緊散攤子吧, 滿世界無自覺裸奔我都替他倆害臊.