Pew Research Center:西方国家七成人对中国持有负面印象,创历史新高
Survey in US, UK, Australia and 11 other nations shows unfavourable opinions about Beijing regime are highest ever, Pew says
Pew Research Center在美国、英国、澳大利他等十四个国家(主要是欧美澳国家,另有亚洲的韩国、日本)进行电话采访式调查研究,结果显示七成以上人对中(共)国持有负面印象,达到历史新高。
The Pew report said that across the nations surveyed, a median of 61% of respondents said China had done a bad job dealing with the outbreak, while 37% believed it had done a good job.
The same applied to people’s confidence in Chinese president, Xi Jinping, with a median of 78% across the 14 countries saying they had “not too much or no confidence in Xi to do the right thing regarding world affairs”.
Even among those who rated China’s coronavirus outbreak response positively, no more than four in 10 said they trusted Xi, Pew said.
Only the United States received a more negative evaluation from those surveyed, with a median of 84% saying it had handled the outbreak poorly. Despite concerns about Xi’s rise, the survey found that in most countries more had faith in him than in Trump. In Germany, 78% said they had no confidence in Xi – but 89% said the same of Trump.
The countries surveyed were Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, Sweden and the United States.
Pew Research Center在美国、英国、澳大利他等十四个国家(主要是欧美澳国家,另有亚洲的韩国、日本)进行电话采访式调查研究,结果显示七成以上人对中(共)国持有负面印象,达到历史新高。
The Pew report said that across the nations surveyed, a median of 61% of respondents said China had done a bad job dealing with the outbreak, while 37% believed it had done a good job.
The same applied to people’s confidence in Chinese president, Xi Jinping, with a median of 78% across the 14 countries saying they had “not too much or no confidence in Xi to do the right thing regarding world affairs”.
Even among those who rated China’s coronavirus outbreak response positively, no more than four in 10 said they trusted Xi, Pew said.
Only the United States received a more negative evaluation from those surveyed, with a median of 84% saying it had handled the outbreak poorly. Despite concerns about Xi’s rise, the survey found that in most countries more had faith in him than in Trump. In Germany, 78% said they had no confidence in Xi – but 89% said the same of Trump.
The countries surveyed were Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, Sweden and the United States.
12 个评论
我覺得啦, 以國家的發達程度而言, 印度的確診人數是可以理解的
但以米國的科技及人口, 還能有這麼高的確診數, 建國對武肺的輕視肯定有關係的
>>我覺得啦, 以國家的發達程度而言, 印度的確診人數是可以理解的但以米國的科技及人口, 還能有這麼高的...
米國人不好管就肯定是主因啦, 我有個米國公司的同事他到現在都還在提倡政府叫你帶口罩是陰謀呢
共产党总算做到了!他们梦寐以求的 “国外势力” 终于跟随共产党要的本版走了。
整天喊西方亡我之心不死 ~ 现在终于实现了。
整天喊西方亡我之心不死 ~ 现在终于实现了。
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