
维吾尔学者艾米都拉狠批北京遭沙特拘捕 学者:如送中后果堪忧


52岁的艾米都拉外力,4年前离开中国后,一直定居土耳其。根据国际人权组织“人权观察”掌握的消息, 这位维吾尔人宗教领袖今年2月转往沙特阿拉伯, 在当地展开活动


人权观察亚洲部研究员王松莲透露, 艾米都拉一直担心自己的安全, 但上周五, 他和另一维吾尔族人在圣城麦加落网。

王松莲: “艾米都拉与一位朋友躲在一个地方.在这躲藏的过程中,在20号(周五)晚上他被沙特阿拉伯警察抓走,被沙特的警察所拘留。”

据了解,艾米都拉之所以被北京盯上,与他抵达沙特后一次公开演说有关。当时他形容中共政权是侵略者,呼吁同胞以武力对抗。这番话触怒了北京当局. 事后中国驻当地领事馆要求沙特把艾米都拉驱逐出境。













Uighur scholar arrested in Saudi Arabia at risk of deportation to China

Activists and human rights advocates have raised concerns that Aimadoula Waili may be tortured in a ‘re-education’ camp if sent back to China

A Uighur Muslim religious scholar was arrested in Saudi Arabia on Friday amid fears that he could be deported back to China.

Activists fear that Aimadoula Waili, also known as Hemdullah Abduweli, who originates from the Xingjiang province in China, will be sent back to his home country following his arrest in the Gulf kingdom.

Uighur activist Abduweli Ayup has raised concerns about Waili's arrest, saying that if he is deported, he could face a lengthy prison sentence in China.

Earlier this month, Waili told Middle East Eye that he feared for his life after the Chinese consulate in Saudi Arabia had allegedly requested his deportation.

Ayup told Middle East Eye on Monday that Waili was arrested at 8pm on Friday along with another Uighur, Nurmemet Rozi, and has only been able to speak to his wife over the phone since his arrest.

According to reports, Waili is currently being held in the Buraiman prison in Jeddah with no charges against him.

“Abduweli called his wife and told her that he was in danger and that she should take action. His wife then called me and told me that Saudi state security had arrested him and that she is trying to contact lawyers," Ayup said.

"There are no official charges against him, and he doesn't have any criminal records in Turkey or Saudi Arabia.

Waili went to Saudi Arabia in February this year to perform the Umrah pilgrimage, from Turkey where he was residing, and has stayed in Saudi Arabia since then.

According to Ayup, Waili was targeted as he is an influential religious scholar and was previously arrested in Xinjang in 2013 and 2014 for his preaching.

Ayup said that because of Waili’s record as a political prisoner in China, the government has continued to harass and pursue him abroad.

“Saudi Arabia is very important to Uighurs because Mecca is there, and our people can’t stop going there because of that. How can Saudi Arabia uphold its reputation as the protector of the holy sites when they can’t protect Uighurs?" Ayup asked.

"Saudi Arabia should not be two-faced, they should openly state if they can or can’t protect Uighurs.”

Rozi, a 44-year-old Uighur businessman who was arrested alongside Waili, had also arrived in Saudi Arabia in February to perform the Umrah pilgrimage.

According to Ayup, he has been arrested for helping Waili by giving him a mobile phone and helping him contact activists and Uighur organisations.

G20 host

Maya Wang, a senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch, raised concerns about the arrest of the two individuals.

“Saudi Arabia, currently hosting the virtual G20 summit, should not deport the duo to China, where they would be tortured and disappeared...doing so would violate international human rights laws,” she said in a statement on Twitter.

“For a leader of the Muslim world to arrest a Uyghur religious scholar - while on pilgrimage to Mecca - and possibly deporting him to Xinjiang, where the authorities are persecuting Uyghur for being Muslims, is really shocking,” she added.

Wang has also called on authorities to immediately disclose Waili's status and ensure that he is not deported to China.

The Uighurs total about 10 million people in their home province - a number that is increasingly being outnumbered by ethnic Han Chinese who have settled in the region.

At least one million Uighurs are said to be held in internment camps where they are undergoing political "re-education," while the region itself is under intense and intrusive surveillance.

In October, a BBC report found that some Uighur Muslims who fled China and sought refuge in Middle Eastern countries have been arrested and deported.

BBC's Newsnight said it identified multiple cases of exiled Uighur students and pilgrims being targeted by authorities in Muslim-majority countries - including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt - in collaboration with Beijing.


Hemdulla Weli was arrested by Saudi State Security in November 20th. He is a religious scholar, because of that was arrested in China twice. He is in the Sijin Buray Man detention center near the airport.

来源:推特用户 AbduwelA

分享 2020-11-24

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>>美国居然能忍 实在是不应该 沙特支持共产党的各类行为 绝对和美国利益冲突

