听听拜登如何讲习近平: 这是个暴徒。 太激动的拜登骂不绝口直到超时

给反共分子打打气, 拜登也不一定就是舔共。

虽然不是新视频,Joe Biden Calls China's Xi Jinping a 'Thug'

稍微解释一下拜登用的词, 他用了不少脏话:

Thug, 这个简单, 暴徒

D Bone, 这个真历害?怀疑拜登口误了,原话: done democratic with a small D BONE in his body, this is the guy who's a thug ... 知错要改,是我听错了!

评论区有几个标准答案,@We_the_People 的 先插到这里:
"This is a guy that doesn't have a democratic --- with a small d --- bone in his body"

democratic with a small d, 是强调民主用小写 d 开头做形容词, 而不是通常大写的 Democratic Party 名词民主党。


Have a (what) bone in someone's body, 是个词组,
not a ——? bone in your body: not the slightest trace of the specified quality.

比如: She was honest and hard-working, and didn’t have an unkind bone in her body.


一开始这个词组让我听差了,直接听成了“D-BONE”, D BONE 是?

我一开始怀疑他的原意是说缺少维生素 D , 软骨头的意思。 然后我就怀疑他说得是 D BONE in sex art.

Urban Dictionary 是这样解释 D BONE 的:

named after performing doggy style sex for a girl, finishing on her lower back (bare skin or t-shirt), gathering the finishings into either hand and gently slapping the girl in the face with a rubbing motion to be sure and smear it in.

usually performed in a degrading act of assholeness
mary tyler moor ALWAYS enjoyed a good D-bone after a long pounding from dick van-dyke

对 Urban dictionary 很不专业的翻译:
D骨, 對一個女孩做狗狗式性愛,在她的下背部(裸露的皮膚或T卹)搞完,將成果整理到任一隻手中,然後用摩擦動作輕輕拍打該女孩的臉,以確保將成果其塗抹。


瑪麗·泰勒·穆爾 喜欢長時間打桩之後,再享受几巴(范戴克 van-dyke)一个美好的D骨式(后入)。
分享 2020-07-13

54 个评论





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